Saturday 12 July 2008

Twit 019 – Mackinac

Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island is off the coast of Michigan in Lake Heron. Brandon and I went there because the Lutheran church of Michigan was having their senior high retreat there and they wanted us to go and talk to them about looking at porn.

Mackinac is an odd place. You can only get there by ferry and you also cannot take your car with you. So we walked… and rode in a hoarse-drawn taxi.

It also had the quaintest little shops that sold fudge and the most quaint and picturesque hotels and the most quaintly decorated rooms in those picturesque hotels… I felt like I had just walked into The Truman Show.

The Lutherans didn’t help much. We had our tamest T-shirt pulled from our merch table and two angry mothers trying to tell us how we should run our question and answer session. One of them swore at me about it.

Great. Still, we had some awesome conversations with some pretty switched on kids… so it wasn’t the end of the world.

1 comment:

Ian@UK said...

If they're going to ask you to talk about porn, surly they should just let you get on with it. And why on earth would you invite your mother to a Q and A session? I can't imagine anything more embarrassing.