Monday 7 July 2008

Twit 018 – Creation Controversy (Creation Festival)

On the second to last day of Creation Fest we met Ryan. I missed most of what happened because I was talking to someone about XXXChurch. That was broken up when David asked me for help gathering our “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” T-shirts and everything else that said ‘Porn’ on it.

Ryan was helping to run the merch tent and on day three discovered what we were selling and… freaked out! He went so far as to confiscate the merch and tell Rosh (who I talked about in Twit 016) to take off the JLPS t-shirt he was wearing.

In the end it turned out Ryan was just a volunteer who went over the top. We still were not aloud to sell the JLPS t-shirts but we could sell the JLPS bibles and Ryan came by to ‘apologize’.

Stephen tried talking to him at the end just casually to clear it up but he obviously was not having it. Apparently his eleven year old is not going to be warned about any of the dangers of porn.


And scary…


candice said...

dang, that's ridiculous.

Rosh Koch said...

hahahahaha, and then i put it back on....

Ian@UK said...

I'm surprised by the reactions you seem to get wherever you go. Its certainly fascinating that people seem to be so against a ministry that wants to dispel flaws in the church and in the long run, really help people.

Back in the OT, God rejected the Israelites worship because they were living pluralistic lives. What if the same is true today? What if God isn't going to accept our worship because we are being fake, and ignoring the issues of the day?

(end rant)